Strong Families Ministry

There is a clear mandate from Scripture to care for those who need caring for.  Jesus even went as far as saying when we serve others we are serving Him (Matthew 25:40).  At Engage we do as our name implies and look to serve our community the best way possible.  Partnering with Olive Crest is one way we have chosen to make a difference. 

Olive Crest transforms the lives of children in crisis through the power of God, family, and community.  Combined, they served over 200,000 children and families since 1973.

Strong Families is a movement fueled by compassion to keep children safe and families intact.  O.C.  relies upon volunteer host families and a network of support to open their arms, hearts, and homes.  To find out more about Olive Crest to go or talk with Pastor Devin (509-448-7903) to sign up for this life transforming ministry.

"Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the case of the poor and the oppressed (Psalm 82:3)."

There are many ways to be involved in this ministry through Engage Church:

Be a Host Family - Open your home to a child(ren) in need and your heart to struggling parents.

Be a Family Coach - Help families in need and provide encouragement to host families.

Be a Family Friend - Offer Host Families tangible, practical, and spiritual support through mentorship, childcare, volunteerism, etc.

Be a Family Champion - Pray, advocate, or provide financial support for children and families in crisis.

Sign up with Pastor Devin.  Email or call 509-448-7903

More information go to or email Angie at or call 844-244-1769