Engage Groups

Small groups are the heart of any church.  This is where we grow in our faith and become the Church Jesus designed us to be.  Proverbs 27:17 talks about iron sharpening iron, so we sharpen one another, equipping Christ's body (the church) to be transformed, and to go out to transform the community.  The early church met daily to encourage one another, and do life together (Acts 2:42-47), and God blessed them by adding to their numbers by transforming people's lives all around them.  There are so many ways to join, let us know if you need help finding, or starting, an Engage Group.  To sign up or ask questions reach out to the staff here.

Were you born in, or around, the 1980's?  This is the Engage Group is for you!  We gather once a month on a Sunday afternoon for friendship and sharing what God has been up to in our lives and family.  

Faith Family Bible church puts on an amazing Awana club on Monday's (middle & high school students) and Wednesday's (elementary school students).  To sign up or ask questions, email Jim.

The Book Club meets once a month, typically on the third Tuesday of the month at 6:00pm, to discuss the book of the month and enjoy a meal together.  Dinner and discussion.  To RSVP for the next one sign up here.

This Bible study group is filled with great questions to see how the Bible applies to life.  All are welcome to attend this group that meets in the Engage office.  Bring your Bible and your questions and thoughts.  

Taking a break for July and August

This worship service meets on Sundays at 2:00pm, and concludes as the Spirit leads.   The group has changed location, please email the office if you would like to be apart of this group.   

This amazing group of people gathers for prayer and then looks to serve any who come to worship Jesus on a Sunday morning.  They provide great treats, directions, and are a great first contact as we gather together.  

This is an elected group of people from the congregation that holds our church in their prayer and sets the vision for Engage Church.  They meet quarterly in addition to as-needed meetings.

Kiddoes get a lesson aimed at them, full of fun, activities, and the chance to learn about Scripture in a way that encourages them to explore who Jesus is.  

This group explores what is happening in the Scriptures every other week online together.  All are welcome.  

Worship is so much more than music.  This team is responsible for leading the congregation in worship and removing as many distractions as possible.  Join this team to be on the Audio Visual team, Scripture reading group, prayer people, and special music people.  

Being a youth isn't always easy. It's a time to discover who you are, but also a great time discover who Christ is, and who you are in Him.  What better way to do that than with friends, fellowship, games, and food?