Mission & Values
We believe in a Personal Commitment to Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.
We are Bible-focused, believing the Bible alone is our authority for a life that is pleasing to God and beneficial to mankind.
We believe in the Priesthood of all Believers, that all Christians are called to be God's ministers and have a special purpose for serving Him.
We believe in a Believer's Baptism, the practice of water baptism follows after a person becomes a disciple of Jesus Christ.
We believe in Communion, the very special time to reflect on Jesus' life, death, and resurrection. We take this in remembrance of Him and declare our faith through partaking.
We are Missional as the mission of the church has been given by Jesus Christ Himself: "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation." (Mark 16:15)
From our constitution:
1. Scripture:
Bible Based & Bible Centered
God's Holy Word in Faith & Life Matters (2 Tim. 3:16-17)
Consistent Life Application of Scripture
2. Relationships:
Loving God, Loving People, Loving One Another (Mt. 22 & Jn. 13)
Accepting People Where They Are
Loving and Helping People to Move Forward
3. Outreach:
All People Matter to God (2 Pet. 3:9)
Christ Came to Seek & to Save the Lost (Lk. 19:10)
Christ Gave His Life as a Ransom (Mk. 10:45)
4. Service & Caring:
Compassionately Reaching Out to Help People in Jesus'
Name (1 Jn. 3:17)
Compassionately Doing Acts of Service (James 2:14-16)
Compassionately Serving People is Serving Christ (Mt. 25:35ff)
5. Authenticity & Excellence:
Glorifying God in Our Motives, Speech & Actions (1 Cor. 10:31)
Demonstrating Character Traits of a Transformed Heart
Wholeheartedly Serving Christ (Col. 3:23-24)
These five core values infuse all our ministries and activities. They are integrated into our preaching. Each ministry leader incorporates these values into their ministry efforts. Every person who attends our fellowship is encouraged to incorporate these values into the rhythms of their daily, personal lives.
If you would like to see a copy of our constitution please email the pastor.